G-Log: Beginnings.
4:51 PM
Hello. After almost two months of setting up this blog, I am finally getting around to posting. I do have to say that although I have been blogging about beauty for over two years now, I am not super comfortable about lifestyle/personal blogging really. I am pretty reserved and lately I have been feeling even more so. But like always, I believe that you have to get up and move on no matter what life throws at you so this is the beginning of that step. I have been practicing writing daily gratitude logs (G-Logs) for the past few days and I take out some time every night to evaluate my day and focus on the good things. Things that I'm grateful for, things that I might have learnt or realized that day, things that inspired me or helped me feel better. And I thought why not just publish them here so I can share all those positive thoughts with you.
And so, the first of the G-Log series on this blog was born. I will be sharing atleast one thing I'm grateful for, one thing I learnt and one positive thought or quote to keep in mind for each day.
Today I am grateful for my new job! Exciting. I cannot thank Allah enough for this opportunity because I literally got what I wanted and I feel so lucky! I also scored a very interesting campaign for an exciting fashion brand for my beauty blog. Filled with joy and gratitude at this point! Life does surprise you, a lot actually.
My lesson for today, would definitely have to be a beautiful reminder from a friend of mine, who quite interestingly I've known since when we kids, but we kind of lost contact, or just never really bothered, but we ran into each other just a week ago on (you guessed it) SOCIAL MEDIA after a good 20 something years. Okay maybe not 20 years exactly but the last time I remember seeing him was back in 1st grade, Maybe 2nd or 3rd but honestly way too long. Anyways, he said something very interesting about the kind of person I had turned out to be and we got talking and he mentioned how us humans are designed to be positive. Hope, is what drives us. Although sometimes it can drive us crazy, lets be real, but for the most part it's what keeps us going. And that made me realize, how there is always something to look forward to. Always something to hope for. Even when we don't know it, we are constantly hoping for something. And that hope, paired with faith is what the magic of life is all about. So, with that thought in mind, I am going to keeping hoping and keep having faith because that is what I, and us humans do best.
I leave you and myself, with this thought on the "quote board". Until next time, which will hopefully be tomorrow! Take care, I love you!